


People are still wondering who is this Hope McKee person is. Hmm, she is a single sassy person that decided to take my love of writing, singing blues, and turning it into a side career. Hoping that one day that will replace my day job. Like I stated in my previous blogs I had no clue of what I was doing just crazy and insane enough to take a chance to see what would happen. I’m actually listening to music as I am writing about myself. Talking about multi-tasking, I surely can do it.

After attending several songwriting workshops, I started co-writing songs in the spring of 2014 at a small studio on Music Row. From there songs as, “I Need A Man,” “Seeing Things,” and “Auntie Blues were created.

They all made the cut for my first album called, “This Is Me.” My wonderful producer thought it was a great idea to mix some cover songs along with a few original songs. I think it was a genius. It was fun and a lot of hard work was put into my first of many projects and hopefully more to come in the future.

Some are wondering where my artist name came from. Simple it’s my part of my birth name. While sitting in the middle of bedroom brainstorming via text with my vocal coach with threw out potential names for my album. Most singers especially gospel and blues singer grow up singing in church choirs in a Baptist church. I was not one of them. Most of my friends and family do not know that I could carry a tune in a bucket much less hit a high note or two. Thus, the title of my album is called, “This Is Me.”

I hope that you have enjoyed my journey so far and that you get a copy of “This Is Me.”